Amazing campsites in Europe

Like our guests, we love camping holidays. We know how beautiful and also how fragile our locations are, where you are close to nature. That is why we want to minimise our impact on the environment. That way, families can continue to enjoy well-deserved camping holidays not only today, but also in the future.
Roan is part of the European Camping Group, the leader in camping holidays. From this group we operate 100 campsites in Europe and have a cooperation with 300 partner campsites.
Within the group, we take various actions to reduce our environmental impact, contribute to a sustainable tourism sector, and take responsibility for society and our employees. Below is an overview of what we are doing on different themes.
We are proud that 12 of our Marvilla Parks campsites have been awarded the prestigious Green Key certification! This internationally recognized quality mark is granted to businesses in the hospitality sector that are dedicated to a greener future. Green Key campsites adhere to strict sustainability standards, including energy and water conservation, waste management, and environmental awareness.
Do you see the Green Key logo on a campsite page? That means the campsite prioritizes sustainability and is committed to reducing its environmental impact—all while ensuring comfort and quality.
To save energy, we have installed solar installations at our campsites, use energy-efficient LED lighting and new mobile homes now have light grey roofs that reflect the sun's heat instead of absorbing it. This contributes to a more pleasant temperature in the mobile homes, reducing the need for air conditioning.
Should guests still need to use the air conditioning, it uses less energy to reach the desired temperature, contributing to lower energy consumption.
In addition, we actively ask guests to turn off the air conditioning when they leave the mobile home. In more and more mobile homes, we have also linked the air conditioning to the entrance door, so that it only works when guests are actually inside.
This way, we ensure that the air conditioning is only used when it is really needed, further minimising energy consumption.
To reduce our water consumption, we use innovative water-saving features, such as efficient showers and taps, which help us use less water every day. In our Marvilla Parks water parks, we have also installed an advanced water recycling system.
This system allows us to reuse much of the water used to clean the pool filters, saving as much as 60% to 80% water. When cleaning the filters, which is done several times a day, the used water is collected and divided into two tanks. In one tank comes the water collected at the beginning of the wash; this water is later used to water the green areas in our campsites. The other tank holds the cleaner water collected at the end of the washing process. This water is purified by UV cleaning and then reused in the pools.
This approach allows us to enjoy our water parks in a sustainable way.
We also try to reduce the use of disposable plastic and replace it with sustainable alternatives. In addition to this, we have waste separation facilities at several campsites for our guests and encourage recycling, as shown, for example, by our cooperation with Auping. Old mattresses are one of the largest contributors to landfill waste worldwide due to the complex composition of materials glued together. For a few years now, Roan has therefore opted for circular mattresses in our latest type of mobile home.
To protect nature, we implement several initiatives that support and preserve local flora and fauna around our campsites. Besides creating vegetable and fruit gardens, we replace harmful chemicals we normally use for cleaning mobile homes with ozone water. This not only helps nature, but also contributes to a healthier living environment for our guests.
Ozone water is an effective, safe and environmentally friendly way to clean and disinfect. Adding ozone to tap water creates a powerful solution that removes odours, bacteria and other unwanted substances. It works as well as bleach, but without that nasty smell or toxic residue. This method is not only good for the environment, but also for the health of our guests and employees, as no harmful chemicals are released. Moreover, it helps preserve the ecosystem around our campsites, as we further reduce our impact on nature.
We continue to look for ways to make our practices even more sustainable.
To promote vitality, Roan employees can use the gym at a 60% discount. Moreover, we have a 'walking - fifteen minutes', which you can fill in at your own choice during your working day to go for a walk, and we encourage eating fruit and vegetables. We also invest in staff training and development and provide a safe working environment.
For many years, Roan has been a proud partner of Villa Pardoes, a special holiday spot for seriously ill children and their families. This villa offers families the chance to enjoy a week of fun and carefree time together in a warm environment, away from hospital stress and without doctor's visits. It is a place where families can recover, laugh and make beautiful memories together in a safe and supportive environment.
Every year, Roan donates €12,500 to Villa Pardoes which allows them to give 6 families such a holiday. In addition to this annual donation, our guests also contribute thousands of euros each year, which directly benefits the operations of Villa Pardoes. In addition, our colleagues dedicate themselves several times a year to support the Villa in various activities and events. We are immensely proud of this cooperation!
From the ECG group, we also offer annual free holidays to families in France who are less well-off, who can enjoy a holiday at one of our campsites.
It doesn't stop here. We will continue to launch new initiatives around these themes in the coming years as well. Keep an eye on the website regularly for an update.
Last updated 4 Nov 2024